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I believe in them, they believe in me.

Alana Stroud.jfif

Alana Stroud

Security Analyst at CyFlare

I first encountered ajay in the PREP series for SecureSet Academy. He was my formal introduction to the tech industry. PREP was a series of videos taught by ajay meant to broaden the average non-technical Joe’s knowledge base so that once they began the course of their choice at SecureSet in earnest, they wouldn’t be going in blind. I thought ajay was hilarious! I really appreciated how he taught and explained things. I could follow along, visualize, and understand. Even his notes made solid sense, and I cant always follow along with the notes people take because they generally only make sense to the person or people who understand what is being written. He made me feel like I really had a sporting chance at grasping this new industry and excelling. The notes I took from his PREP courses served me all through school, and I still refer to them occasionally for my job. He is an excellent teacher and really knows IT and cyber intimately. I was disappointed I couldn’t meet him in person to thank him properly, as he had already moved on to a new venture. Thanks again ajay. All the best to you!


Elez Topuzovic

SOC Analyst at CyberConvoy

Firstly, I would like to say what a great person Ajay is. I had a career coaching session with him and it was definitely an experience I would recommend to anyone who is trying to break into Cybersecurity. The way he explains seemingly complicated and overwhelming concepts is fascinating and really easy to follow, at the same time you will have a great time just enjoying his personality. He is really easy to talk to and cleary determined in his goals and mission with a genuine desire to see people grow and point to the right direction. The coursework he created that I had the honor to get my hands on before starting my program at Flatiron was exceptional. I really liked the content and again his enthusiasm and passion made the whole journey into IT very enjoyable and motivating to grow and learn more. This guy is a true hero!

David Elgut.jfif

David Elgut

SIEM Engineer at Graylog

Since the start, Ajay has been a huge inspiration for me as I dipped my toe into the world of IT and cyber. Before even doing Flatiron's cyber course, I was given a pre-work course to see if it would be something that I would like to do, which ended up being taught by Ajay himself. It was through his deep and thorough - easy to understand - explanation of systems and networks that really jumpstarted my desire to dive deeper! So, thanks a ton, Ajay! I now am light-years ahead of where I was when I started, and I can't thank you enough for the initial push that I needed. I cannot stress this man's knowledge enough; he is definitely the go to master on all things cyber.

Alexis Schottenstein.jfif

Alexis Schottenstein

CyberSecurity Engineer Redpoint Cyber

Ajay's videos are by far the most comprehensive explanations on Networking and Securities concepts and fundamentals. Having transitioned my career from an Accountant to a Cyber Security Engineer I constantly am looking for aids in building my skills. I highly recommend him as an educator and resource!

Ahmed Morgan.jfif

Ahmed Morgan

Associate Security Consultant - Kivu Consulting

I was lucky to have Ajay as my cybersecurity instructor in Flatiron school. He is an outstanding instructor and he displayed great talents in teaching security concepts to all learning styles and developing a genuine love of learning in his students. I would not hesitate to strongly recommend him for any professional position.

Anastasia Shubert.jfif

Anastasia Shubert

Security Analyst at Hurricane Labs

Ajay was my prep-course SecureSet instructor, a very good instructor from whom I learned a lot. We also met several times at cybersecurity events and conferences where he was a speaker or a participant and always ready to help or explain the difficult topics I didn't understand. Ajay has a lot of knowledge in the cybersecurity field, he is a very good instructor, very smart, and is also a friendly person. Ajay would be a good addition to any team and is a great leader. Any company would be very fortunate to have him as an excellent, intelligent, and resourceful asset.

Alexander Kostiv.jfif

Alexander Kostiv

Security Analyst at Abnormal Security

Ajay has the natural ability to convey complex information in an easy and enjoyable manner. Usually watching online lectures causes me to drift off and lose focus. Ajay on the other hand makes me eager to continue my pursuit of learning a variety of cybersecurity topics and concepts through his videos. He has a decorated history in career and educational experience that, coupled with his authentic and genuine teaching style, make him the best candidate for anyone seeking to enrich their IT skills, and their life.

Kaitlyn Foster.jfif

Kaitlyn Foster

Partner Solutions Engineer at Pax8

I started my journey of learning cyber security with Ajay under the SecureSet Prep Course. Through Ajay’s teachings I have gained so much knowledge and understanding from his courses. His teachings are phenomenal and greatly beneficial for someone wanting to learn the systems aspects of cyber security. I was able to pick up on new concepts within minutes, which shows his ability to have a complex knowledge of the topic but teach in a simplistic way that even I could understand, as these were foreign topics to me before. I believe anybody who has the privilege of taking Ajay’s courses, will be gaining a new range of knowledge that will greatly benefit them in the future.

Joanne Puchek.jfif

Joanne Puchek

Security Consultant at Coalfire

If there was a Mr. Miyagi for cybersecurity, it would be Ajay. I had the honor of studying under his tutelage at SecureSet Academy as my initial exposure to cybersecurity. Thanks to the succinct and strategic curriculum structure that he designed, I was able to learn the fundamentals at an accelerated pace and then transition my focus to the "higher level" concepts of cybersecurity. We were taught to ask the right questions and to be good problem solvers, which is key for any professional in this industry. Ajay is also an incredibly empathetic, kind, and wise mentor, in addition to being profoundly talented in a technical aspect. Anywhere Ajay goes, people succeed--students and colleagues alike. Wax on, wax off!

Chris O'Hara.jfif

Chris O'Hara

Security Analyst at Advertium

Ajay is a brilliant and inspiring educator and his sincere passion for the industry is contagious. He convinced me that I had what it took to break into a completely new career and also encouraged me to do so. His mantra of “pathological persistence” helped keep me focused as my coursework accelerated, and it is one that I will carry with me into my career as a cyber-security professional.

Brooke Stuebing.jfif

Brooke Stuebing

Manager Solutions Engineering at Pax8

Ajay was one of the best instructors that I have had in my educational experiences. He is professional and extremely knowledgeable on the subject of cyber security. In addition to expanding my knowledge base, he has been supportive and instrumental in my growth as a cyber security professional. I would be honored and grateful to have the opportunity to work with him in the future.

Harrison Davis.jfif

Harrison Davis

Information Security Analyst at Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond

Ajay made one thing clear to me and my SecureSet cohort: he was willing to go above and beyond to make sure we were educated and prepared to enter the cyber security world. At the beginning of the HUNT analyst program at SecureSet, Ajay spent an entire week in Washington, DC to spearhead our education. Most program directors would have stopped there, but not Ajay. He made absolutely sure that he was available to all of us, no matter how much he had on his plate. Be it middle of the day or middle of the night, Ajay was there to help all of us become the best we could be. During my time in the HUNT program, my group experienced some trouble with a few subjects, like scripting, certain attack vectors, and finer details of net administration. After we graduated, Ajay took at least two hours each morning to teleconference my class (mind you, all of us were back home and done with the program) and make absolutely sure that we received the education we paid for. This was all at a time where SecureSet Denver was starting their newest class, so Ajay was pulling double work and odd hours to bring us this information. This is a mark of a man that truly cares about his students and the education he sets out to provide with the HUNT analyst program. He remains committed to students well after the end of the program, for both academic and professional advice. His input and command of the HUNT program helped start many careers, including my own. His craft is rare and should not be overlooked.

Yung Rocco.jfif

Yung Rocco

Information Security Analyst at Finvi

I attended cyber security prep course at Secure Set Academy. Ajay was my instructor; and i were impressed with his vast knowledge and experience in cyber security. After the prep course, i discovered my interest in cyber security and felt confident that i can handle the intensity of the Hunt Threat Analyst program. Ajay is HUNT program director, and he puts a lot of effort in the program to make sure his students educated well on this challenging field. While he is great as it relates to technical expertise, he also has awesome personality: very kind, thoughtful... He does not only teach you how to "Hunt", but he also prepare you to be great threat analyst.

Michael D.jfif

Michael Dockry

Incident Response Consultant at CrowdStrike

Ajay is a phenomenal educator and professional. His wealth of knowledge, leadership, professionalism, and passion made for an excellent learning environment. Ajay is truly committed to the success of the students and takes the time to impart his wisdom on all of his students. His teachings were invaluable, it was truly a pleasure to have met and learned from Ajay.


Luz Bojorquez

Cyber Security Analyst

Ajay, Ivan Menendez, is by far one of the best teachers I have had. He is a knowledgeable, inspirational, and motivational gem. Ajay's willingness to help others and genuine interest in seeing people succeed is amazing. I can only hope to be like him some day. He is a Cyber Security machine, whom instead of having many other lucrative positions in the field, he chooses to teach. That is an incredible thing for him to do and can't thank him enough for doing so. He is never too busy to get the work done or help those who need it, be it before work hours, early in the morning, or even on Saturdays. He is a professional with extreme intelligence and yet humble, personable, and funny. I can't thank Ajay enough for all his support.

Paul Clampitt.jfif

Paul Clampitt

Cyber Security Senior Analyst at Alchemy Security

ajay is one of the best instructors I've had. He did a great job of breaking down complex subjects into manageable and entertaining information. His labs were helpful and fun in demonstrating concepts and he was quick to correct any mistakes brought to his attention. My time at SecureSet was better because of him.

James Cox.jfif

James Cox

ScanDesk Support Analyst at Coalfire

Ajay has exceptional breadth and depth of cybersecurity and threat hunting experience. He brings a wealth of knowledge from the IT world and does a tremendous job teaching it to his students. He takes great pride in his battle to bridge the cybersecurity gap that we have in the industry, and does just that one student at a time. Ajay Menendez is a wonderful teacher & leader, and is making a difference in the industry every single day.

Brooke Andrist.jfif

Brooke Andrist

Manager, Sales Engineering at CrowdStrike

The technical subject matter covered in SecureSet's HUNT Analyst Program has the propensity to be both challenging and complex - and ajay's approach to teaching made these relatable and easier to comprehend. Bringing years of experience in the field of Cyber Security to the program, his guidance, patience, and sense of humor made the courses and related labs entertaining while still being challenging and highly educational.

Alexander Bradley.jfif

Alexander Bradley

Information Security Analyst at Alchemy Security

Ajay is a fantastically skilled educator and cyber professional. I hold the skills and wisdom he imparted to me and my fellow students in the 2017 SecureSet CORE cohort in the highest regard; Ajay truly helped me take that first step from a fledgling interest in cybersecurity to being fully prepared to take the dive into the professional world, and instilled in me a passion and eagerness for security.

Jay DeChristofano.jfif

Jay DeChristofano

Cyber Security Engineer at Avanade

Ajay has the ability to share his wealth of knowledge with ease and an incredible capacity to make you feel comfortable with complex, challenging topics. When you couple this innate skill with his amazing sense of humor the results are nothing short of incredible. One of my favorite lectures combined command line fundamentals, a reference to a quote from Ghostbusters - "If someone asks if you're a god, you say YES!" - which led to me spitting my coffee out all over my monitor. So yeah, will you learn from Ajay? Totally. But, will you learn and enjoy every moment of each lesson? Without a doubt.

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